
  • Slow Ordering Process

    While mobile x-ray companies seem synonymous with speed and efficiency, this isn’t always the case.  Some larger corporations will have your nurses calling into a 1-800 number and dealing with slow response times and a sluggish ordering process that can result in delays and mis-orders.  Especially in the COVID-19 climate, nurses simply do not have […]

  • The Cost of Empty Beds

    In a care facility, maintaining census isn’t just ideal, it’s vital for your bottom line.  A lot of cost is associated with sending residents to the hospital. It can have a negative impact on the health of the facility since senior care facilities are financially the healthiest when beds are full. But transporting residents from […]

  • Family-Run Organization

    Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward bureaucracy and away from warmth and connection in medical care.  As companies get larger, they employ bureaucratic systems and models to serve all of their clients. While these business models may be sophisticated, they also come with a price. Complicated management systems, burdensome communication lines, […]

  • Is Same-Day Service Possible for Mobile Imaging?

    From staff schedules to resident needs to compliance concerns, your administrative duties seem never-ending.  Your daily task load can hardly handle navigating the transport and testing of residents at a hospital when a concern arises – so you call a mobile imaging company to come do the job at your facility. But, now your nurses […]