Family-Run Organization

Over the past decade, there has been a shift toward bureaucracy and away from warmth and connection in medical care. 

As companies get larger, they employ bureaucratic systems and models to serve all of their clients. While these business models may be sophisticated, they also come with a price. Complicated management systems, burdensome communication lines, complex accounting methods, manuals as opposed to personal help, and only knowing clients via their numbers as opposed to their people. 

This is a harsh contrast for nurses and staff, who come from practices where personal connection is a key component of care, when they run up against the big business model. It can lead to medical staff feeling helpless and demoralized when they try to request diagnostic testing from a large firm and issues arise such as misorders, incorrect billing, or delayed service. 

When given the choice of working with a family-run business or a big conglomerate, it’s no surprise that medical providers prefer the warmth and caring that comes from a smaller firm. 

What Does a Smaller Firm Give You? Extra Care and Follow-Up

When you partner with a mobile x-ray company you want to make sure they are aligned with your goal to provide the best patient care. They might be able to provide a service and remove some tasks from your overloaded to-do list, but can you trust them to go the extra mile?

With Mobile Images, you can. We not only send you the report the same day, we also pick up the phone and call you to make sure you received the fax, you have the results you need and you get the answers to any follow-up questions. This is a high-touch service for facilities that provide compassionate care. 

Most people would rather keep the personal touch of family in all avenues of their medical care, and there is nowhere that personal touch and care for the individual is more important than at a senior care facility. 

When you work with Mobile Images, you are working with a family-run business that believes the relationship is the most important part of customer relations.

Mobile Images: A Family-Run Organization You Can Trust

Partnering with a mobile x-ray company will make your life easier. That partnership should go beyond convenience – it should include trust, personal care, and the fastest turnaround times in the industry. 

As a family-run organization, we are able to know you, your facility, your residents, and the procedures routinely needed for your patient care. With familiarity comes efficiency and speed. Your ordering process will take just minutes and you can trust that Mobile Images will follow up to make sure everything is running smoothly.
