Mobile Images is a mobile company. With a physician’s order, we are able to perform all studies in your home.
No, there is no trip limit to a facility. However, if exams can be grouped into one trip, this can result in cost savings.
Yes, our MediMatrix system can securely connect to your EMR providing:
All billing is completed in-house by Mobile Images. Statements for facilities will be on one invoice for all patients per month. Statements will be received by your office staff on the first business day of the month. We continuously improve our company guidelines for Medicare documentation and medical necessity. Please take a few minutes to look over the following information and pass it onto your staff and co-workers. These are not new guidelines but ones that we want to reemphasize the importance of compliance for both our company and your facility.
Mobile Images has no hidden charges, including no extra charges for STAT’s or cancellations. In an instance when an order must be cancelled, please notify Mobile Images as quickly as possible.
Medi-Matrix, our user-friendly web based software program, provides you the opportunity to place orders via a secure Internet server, view images, print reports, obtain images on a CD, and provide additional Quality Assurance/Quality Control measures 24 hours a day at no charge. Another great advantage of our system is that physicians, administrators, and nursing supervisors can view secure records anywhere there is an Internet connection. Medi-Matrix also allows you to compare side-by-side with previous studies. Outside physicians can access Medi-Matrix to view all patient films and reports for referral cases.