You have a million things to worry about. Your mobile x-ray company shouldn't be one.

Mobile imaging services for home care, assisted living, hospice, prisons, and nursing homes.

Customers: View or print a report through our portal

Order in 2 minutes or less for same day service.





Sick of waiting on the phone to request an x-ray or taking down lost reports? When you need fast, reliable service – we’ve got you covered. No babysitting required. Our friendly and professional consultants send someone out in one of our 0ver 100 fleet vehicles. We show up that same-day and follow up to make sure things got where they needed to be.

How we remove worry from x-rays.

If you aren’t currently taking advantage of the Mobile Images team and expert dispatch, you’re probably spending 15 minutes per exam order – this can be complicated and lead to billing and exam errors.

The Mobile Images dispatch team asks the right questions so exams are ordered and billed correctly. Our fleet of over 100 Mobile Imaging vehicles allows us to provide same day service. 

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Get more time to take great care of your patients.

More Time

We provide fast, friendly, and reliable service so you can get back to doing a great job. With straight forward calls, billing, and compliance – we keep things moving smoothly so you don’t get hung up on the paperwork. 

Quicker Transitions

Our highly experienced techs provide exceptional care for your residents, and our expert team of radiologists turn around quality imaging and reports quickly. 

Better Care

We provide excellent care and follow up with your care team on results. We want to help you ensure your residents are placed under the right directive of care as quickly as possible.

Ready to make the switch?

Get an Assessment

Get a taste of our commitment to time savings by participating in a quick one-hour kick off call where we hear from you and assess your needs. 

Setup In a Snap

We offer a staff in-service and handy print material that showcases the Mobile Images contact number in your facility or home.

Move On, Worry Free

Rest easy! You don’t have to worry about great patient care with Mobile Images. 

Get back to the other million (minus one) things you have to do today.​

When your resident and their family are waiting for important results ... don't risk delays, lost reports, or slow turnaround times. Give Mobile Images a call so you can get on with providing great resident care.